Therapy For PCOS


You've been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or maybe you have been suffering in silence trying to figure out what is wrong with your body. It seems like your body is working against you. When they first come to see me my clients struggle managing this chronic illness. They have been working so hard to understand what is going on with their body and to fix it. Long cycles, no cycle, weight gain, excess body hair, infertility, distant relationships, extreme dieting, a fear to get close and intimate, depression, anxiety.

It can be incredibly isolating but you are not alone.

Imagine what your life could be like without the guilt, frustration, and constant need to “fix” yourself. What would you do? Who would you be?

The first thing I want to tell you is its not your fault. I’m going to say that again: It’s not your fault and you’re allowed to listen to your body and your feelings to discover what’s best for you. Somebody selling you diet shakes online doesn’t know you and what you’ve been through. They don’t live in your body. They aren’t the one listening to and caring for your body. They have no right or authority to tell you how to live or who to be.

The second thing I want to tell you: You are allowed to set boundaries and stand up for yourself. You can call it out - not always verbally - but you can recognize the bullshit. You don’t have to listen to your co-worker’s diet supplement pitch, you don’t have to go to the doctor your mom recommended. You can say no when your medical team makes you uncomfortable or recommends a course of treatment you don’t think is right for you. 

The third thing I want to tell you: You’re allowed to have fun, and live your busy and peaceful life with PCOS. I’m not going to be all sunshine and rainbows and have you write love letters to your imperfections. Body positivity is complicated when you have a chronic illness when you feel like your body is letting you down. I want to help you thrive.

I want to support you and your PCOS journey. We will work on healing body image, identity, advocating for yourself in your treatment team, processing the grief of infertility, the loss of normalcy and the physical toll this chronic illness takes on your whole life.

I have personal experience with this chronic illness and with finding healing and acceptance. My goal is to support as many people with PCOS as possible to get the care they need, experience body positivity and acceptance, and have hope that life can be full and beautiful. I offer free 15 minute phone consultations, weekend and evening online video sessions.